New Promotional Ideas That Work – Without Competition In Kind Donation Fundraising!

Find a “silent auction” or raffle going on,Guest Posting and contribute a product or
service of yours. You will be listed as a contributor, “Donated by Joe’s
Company”, and then it will have your contact information. If the prize is
truly worthwhile, people will want to know how to get more of it. You
will have left people a good feeling in-kind donations for nonprofits about you for having contributed,
and their trust factor and confidence in you will climb. They will refer
your company to others and you should see an increase in business (but
you must provide a product or service that people want and appreciate –
something of value).

Try to have your logo or slogan included with your contact information –
so people will get a feel for any other line of related products or services
you provide. Don’t list anything unrelated – it will ruin your credibility.
It would be advantageous to include a “coupon” for 10% or some amount
for people to get a deal from you. See if you can leave business cards
with the donation for people to pick up, or if you can have your discount
printed up in the “credits” that list the donators.

To find groups in need of donated products and services, tell other
people as you run into them that you have items to donate – many will
be associated with a church, or scout troop, or sports team, or
school fundraiser group, etc. Make some calls to local churches, asking if
they are looking for any raffle or silent auction items. You might even
spark up a fundraising drive with your suggestion. Call scout troops,
schools, sport teams – all are looking for ways to raise money. Many are
at a loss to think of what – you can provide them an avenue.

contact me and I can add your donation request to the site and perhaps
provide an avenue for a fundraiser to find you. This would be a benefit
to your paid subscription to this newsletter.

This tactic does work – if people like your offering. I have used it at
church silent auctions, and at swim team fundraisers. The woman
with a store next to me has donated items to sporting events. It does
bring in more awareness of your business, and should increase your
sales. Make sure to include your business and contact information
so that you will be recognized.